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The two-hour diving experience class will teach beginner diving skills and practice! Take you to "visit" the landscape of the 10-meter high platform! Under the guidance of the coach, Zhong can set foot on 1 or  The 3-meter springboard feels scary!


\POOL DIVING diving experience/


Date: May 2022  4th  day (Thursday)

Time: 8-10pm

Location: Kowloon Park Diving Pool

Cost: $300 with a sky blue absorbent towel ($350 for non-members)

Number of people: six people in a group


Remarks: Must know how to swim and tread water continuously for one minute in deep water. The class will be held in the five-meter diving pool.

Fees paid will not be refunded or transferred.


For registration and other inquiries about women's tour activities, please whatsapp 52386227 Administrative Specialist!

Diving Experience|Diving Lesson

    1. 活動前或期間如有不適請即通知教練。鑑於所有運動均帶有一定的危險性,團員敬請量力而為,並應自行評估其身體狀況及上述風險,確保合適參加所報課程。香港水泳社將不承擔任何因課堂導致受傷的責任。
    2. 學員所繳交的學費將不設退款或轉讓(包括因個人理由退出或取消報讀之課程原因)。
    3. 因個人日程、疾病、意外受傷等原因而即日請假並缺席,香港水泳社將不會處理即日申請或補課安排。
    4. 香港天文台於課堂前 2 小時懸掛 8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號,或發出黑色暴雨警告,該堂將會取消及順延,指定補課日期一經確認將不設更改。
    5. 任何有關天氣或場地問題而影響進行中之課堂,教練會因應情況調整課堂內容,教練有權取消該課,該課將不設補課安排。
    6. 對關於活動之一切事宜或如有任何爭議,香港水泳社將保留最終決定權。香港水泳社有權隨時修改此課堂須知及條款細則而無須另行通知。 
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