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Challenge deep water class

In the first stage of the swimming system in the shallow water area of the swimming pool, the next stage is to go to the deep water area! If you encounter any situation in the shallow water area, you can land immediately, get up and start again. When you go to the main pool, once your feet are off the ground, you will be afraid. After completing the deep water class, the coach Zhong will take you out to sea to practice!

【Teaching goals and content of the deep water class】

☞ Adjust the pace of swimming

☞ Basic back swimming, head-up frog and other skills

☞ Dive practice

☞ Tread the water for one minute

☞ Complete a distance of 50 meters or more in deep water

【Course Schedule】



10 AM - 12 NN

Kowloon Park Swimming Pool

【Two lessons in a row】

【Deep Water Class - Class Arrangement】

2 lessons per session

Specified course dates, no leave

60 minutes per lesson ​​

Course will be arranged

One lesson a week or two consecutive lessons


  If you ask for leave on the day of class

* This class will be counted as one class, no make-up class will be provided.

【Tuition for Deepwater Class】

$500/2 lessons

2 people in a group

Up to 4 students per coach pair

Small class teaching mode

Please fill in the registration form first.

An administrative officer will contact you directly

And provide the latest course dates for selection

【Deep Water Class - Class Arrangement】

2 lessons per session

Specified course dates, no leave

60 minutes per lesson ​​

Course will be arranged

One lesson a week or two consecutive lessons


  If you ask for leave on the day of class

* This class will be counted as one class, no make-up class will be provided.

深水班|海灘實踐班|MERRY SWIMAS 香港水泳社

look at you

Do you meet the registration requirements?

  • Swim a distance of 25 meters in shallow water in freestyle and breaststroke (two swimming styles).

  • Classes will be conducted in the deep water area accompanied by an instructor. Current members must be approved by the coach before they can participate.


  • If you have not participated in the Swimate PLUS swimming class, you must first sign up for a "deep water prep class". The deep water class can only be started after the instructor evaluates the ability and improves the swimming style.


  • The two are in a group! Sham Shui Class has a designated class date, and no leave arrangements are made.

Situation one,

New members who have not participated in regular classes can sign up for deep water classes?


Every new member who has not participated in the regular beginner class must go through a "deep water preparatory class", so that the coach can understand and confirm your swimming ability before starting the formal deep water class.

The deep water preparatory class is a combination of a regular class and a deep water class! The coach will arrange suitable individual practice content (including improving swimming style and swimming rhythm) according to the students' abilities to meet the needs of the deep water class.

If new students have any questions about the deep water class, they are welcome to ask the coach directly in the preparatory class!

After completing the deep water preparatory class, the designated class date of the deep water class will then begin. In order to avoid the misunderstanding of new members to have a one-time trial arrangement, the tuition for the preparatory class and the deep-water class must be paid in one go.

you have a problem?

In the deep water preparatory class, the coach will understand and help new students improve their swimming posture to cope with the deep water class. The coach understands each person's ability and can arrange suitable teaching content according to their individual level.

Deep water classes must have a certain basic swimming ability, and will not teach basic freestyle or breaststroke in the classroom!

After the deep water preparatory class, if the coach thinks that the new students' swimming ability does not meet the registration requirements, the students can transfer to 5 regular beginner classes, and they can register for the deep water class when their ability reaches the level. Tuition fees paid by new students can also be transferred to regular beginner classes. Please note that there will be no refunds for tuition fees already paid.

Therefore, please confirm your personal swimming ability and understand the teaching content of the deep-water class before you complete the registration form and follow up with us. Thanks!

Situation two,

What will happen if the ability or class nature is found to be inconsistent?


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