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Water sports (Aqua Fitness, Aqua Core, Aqua Strength) can adjust the exercise intensity according to the needs of different sports, connect the water to the surface through body activities, and use water resistance to do workout exercises ① core muscles, ② training muscle endurance, and ③ stretching part , increase the range of motion of the joints, and improve some pain symptoms. Students can not only consume calories during exercise, but also exercise in water more effectively to train muscles, reduce the load on joints, and greatly reduce the chance of sports injuries.

Swimate Plus opens a new "Water Sports Class"! Even people who don't know how to swim and who are not familiar with water can participate in this sport! SuggestParticipants:

Women aged 16 years or older

Those who need to exercise in water but do not know how to swim

Those who are afraid of water and are ready to learn to swim

people with pain

Teaching content and goals:

Aerobic Training: Strengthen Cardiopulmonary Function

Core muscle strength training: enhance muscle strength and endurance ☞flexibility training

*In case of individual physical condition, it is recommended to consult doctors and professionals before participating.

【Water Sports Class - Class Arrangement】

8 lessons per session, 2 leave of absence

Lessons every week

60 minutes per lesson

Classes take one lesson a week in a sequential manner

Make-up arrangements are included in the course duration

That is: 8 classes completed within the 10-week class period

  If you ask for leave on the day of the class/ if you are absent, make up the class/

8 3rd time off in class

* This class will be counted as one class, no make-up class will be provided.

【Tuition fee for water sports class】

$1600/8 lessons

(You can ask for leave 2 times) ​​

*4 people in a group

*Maximum of 8 students per coach pair

* Group teaching mode

Please fill in the registration form first.

An administrative officer will contact you directly

And provide the latest course dates for selection.


Kowloon Park Swimming Pool

【Course Schedule】







Kowloon Park Swimming Pool


Kowloon Park Swimming Pool


Kowloon Park Swimming Pool

【Aqua Team】

2022 Best Friends and Family Offers:
⚠️Two people can enjoy a special price of $1550 / 8 classes

🔆 The above discounted price applies to registration before May 30, 2022,
Swimming classes will start in April-May 2022!


請直接 WhatsApp 63009527 行政專員查詢。



課堂為 60 分鐘

學費 $280 / 一次性課堂

4 人開課!

☞ ​年齡 16 歲或以上女性
☞ ​需要喺水度運動但不懂游泳之人士
☞ ​怕水且準備學游水人士
☞ ​痛症人士

☞ 要鍛鍊核心肌肉、減磅消脂​

🔅時長:每節課堂為 60 分鐘
🔅學費:每位 $280 / 一次性課堂
🔅人數:4 人開課

▫️▫️▫️ 三月份活動時間表 ▫️▫️▫️

2023年 3月9 或 23  

星期四 7:30 - 8:30 PM


 若上課當天請假 / 缺席

* 該課將以一堂計算,不設補堂 *

▪️▪️▪️ 體驗課優惠 ▪️▪️▪️

1)凡報名社員均獲贈指定 @skinxercise 手工番梘乙件。
2)完成體驗課後正式報名八課一期課程即享$50學費回贈!(即 $1550/8 課)。

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